Hyperlocal Call Tracking for OEMs and Brands | Waybeo - Waybeo
OEM Brands

Hyperlocal call tracking for location-driven businesses

Leverage the advantage of hyperlocal call-tracking services to boost your revenue and marketing efforts. Get virtual numbers to track all your campaign performances from media, print ads, or other sources.

Drive Sales and Track ROI with Hyperlocal Call Tracking

Optimize the full potential of your marketing campaigns and customer interactions with Waybeo’s advanced Hyperlocal call-tracking solutions. Designed for diverse industries, our technology provides exceptional insights and control, ensuring every call drives your business forward.

Tailored Solutions

We understand the unique challenges faced by OEMs and brands. Our customizable solutions are designed to meet your industry's specific needs and help you track conversion journies.

Telecom Expertise

Leverage our expertise, backed by telecom giant Bharti Airtel, for reliable, scalable, flexible, and customizable call-tracking solutions to meet your unique business requirements.

Unmatched Support

OEMs and Brands can benefit from our comprehensive support and guidance to maximize the value of our technology, streamline processes, improve sales, and manage interactions efficiently.

Key benefits for hyperlocal-driven businesses

Gain AI-powered insights and actionable plans to streamline your calls. Use Waybeo to track all leads, optimize campaigns, and drive sales with hyperlocal call tracking.
Maximized Marketing ROI

Accurately measure the effectiveness of every marketing campaign by assigning unique virtual numbers to print ads, visual campaigns, and other initiatives. Identify which channels drive the most valuable leads. Capture every inbound call as a high-intent lead and receive immediate notifications the moment they arrive. Waybeo routes call directly to your sales team, ensuring they never miss a conversion opportunity.

Effortless Outbound Calling

Make effortless outbound calls through the Waybeo app or integrated CRM solutions. Our click-to-dial APIs seamlessly integrate with your existing CRM or systems, allowing you to initiate calls with a single click, increase call volume and productivity, and maintain data accuracy. Click-to-dial automatically populates call logs with the correct information, ensuring data accuracy and eliminating manual entry errors.

AI-powered Insights

Leverage AI-powered speech-to-text capabilities to unlock valuable insights from every customer conversation. Track keywords like "test drive," "price," or "offers," etc., to assess customer interest and tailor your engagement accordingly. Get full conversation transcripts and AI-generated summaries for quick analysis. Quickly identify the number of calls on specific keywords and tailor your marketing efforts.

Uncover Hidden Revenue Opportunities with Hyperlocal Call Tracking

Track every call, optimize campaigns, and drive sales growth with tailored solutions for OEMs & Brands.

Empower your sales team with powerful features for success

Hyperlocal Tracking

Ensure every call is routed through a virtual number, is trackable, and is attributed to the correct source for a granular view of your campaign performance.

Mobile Access

Access and manage call data (recordings, reports, logs, and call-related information) on the go for convenience and immediate actionability on the Waybeo app.

CRM Integration

Seamlessly integrate Waybeo with your existing CRM system or ask to integrate it into any app for streamlined workflows and a full view of customer interactions.

AI-powered Analysis

Identify trends, extract actionable insights, get summaries, keyword usage-based call logs, and optimize campaigns based on customer calls and interactions.

Trusted by industry leaders, brands, and other organizations of all sizes

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